Saturday 21 September 2013

Spice up your LIFE!!!!

Fact that people must know, depression is one of major mental illness in the world. 
Most of people are too busy with their life
So take a break and appreciate every single moment
This is my way but it depends on yourself
So have fun!!!!! 

.Travel any place you like.

Nobody hate shopping, right

Outdoor truly fun

Get HEALTHY, so workout

Enjoy different kind of food

Go have fun with family and friends

Don't forget your aim and goals in life

I really hate AGE..

I really love to use rojak language dan kadang2 shortform (malaih nak type) and Im apologize first to all readers..hehe..Ok stop ramble and lets begin...

AGE or in bahasa umur,usia dan seangkatan dengannya..Hmm, when you little kid, it sounds nothing but when you grown up, you really hate it right..same goes to me. Let me tell you WHY??

Sebelum tu assalamualaikum:-)
Waktu kecik2, rasa nak sangat membesar kan, tak sabar nak sekolah, ade kwn2, ade boipren gitu dan mcm2 la. Tapi bile besar!!!!

  1.  Result SPM berape?Sambung blaja tak? Amik kos ape?
  2.  Dah keje? Keje ape? Kat mane? Jawatan ape? Most important , GAJI bape?
  3.  Ada boipren tak? Orang mane? Boipren keje pe? Bile nak kahwin?
  4.  Dah kawen? Bila nak ade anak? Anak blaja kat mane?Anak keje ape?
Questioning and questioning,
Sometimes it sounds good but it have no END, that called life..
I hate it because sometimes I really dont have the answer
I really wish at that time.."Oh please let me die just this moment" (what a drama)
The good about it, its mean people care about you and sometimes really and really or truly care.
Let do hypothesis, "When age increase, question pun increase la"
Masa kecik2 ade orang nak tanye..tarak ok..

The good about age,
You realize few things,
  1. Saya dah tua
  2. Patut bertaubat
  3. Kubur dah dekat
  4. Dah kena pikir masa depan seperti: keje, umah, duit, keluarga n blablabla

Ok I just realize, my post is only about AGE...Im trully sorry for wasting ur time...bye and have a nice day:-)

Little bit history

Assalamualaikum semua,
Salam perkenalan,
I just recently decide to write a blog..just to share few things about anything I guess..

Little bit about me, Im just little girl from somewhere2 and I want to keep my profile low.
Kindly feel free to read it and hopefully you like and enjoy about it..